2022/23 Arrangement of Mask Order Cancelation

1st Mar, 2023

Dear parents,


The Government announced today (February 28, 2023) that most of the anti-epidemic measures will be canceled from tomorrow (March 1, 2023) after analyzing the current situation, mask order will be lifted broadly, including indoors, outdoors and vehicles but the persons in charge of some “high-risk venue”, such as hospital and nursing home etc. can require people in the venue to wear masks through administrative instructions. The Education Bureau has announced the “School Health Guidelines” last night, stated that parents can decide whether to let their child keep wearing mask or not. The measurements the kindergarten take at the meanwhile:


  1. The requirement that kindergarten students must complete the rapid antigen test before entering to school every day will remain until March 15, 2023. The Education Bureau will review the situation and announce future arrangements afterward. Other parents, visitors and anyone entering the school will still need to take a rapid antigen test and obtain a negative result to enter the school.


  1. Parents can decide whether to let their child keep wearing mask or not. However, if any symptoms of upper respiratory infection appeared, teacher will put a mask on the child immediately. The teacher will provide transitional guidance to the students who is feeling anxious and uneasing about not wearing mask. Here are some relevant suggestions for parents:
    • Parents should psychologically prepared that their child may feel uncomfortable for a period of time, appear anxious and behave abnormally.
    • Explain to children in advance why they no longer need to wear masks.
    • Re-teach the hygienic etiquette without masks, such as covering mouth and nose with hands when sneezing, paying attention to whether there are splashes when speaking, etc.
    • Children may still want to wear a mask at times, respect their pace and let them get used to it gradually.
    • Give children additional communication during the transition period to increase their sense of security.


  1. To maintain a hygienic and safe environment for students, the kindergarten will keep using the partition during lunch and nap time.


  1. All staffs will also be wearing masks while handling foods and being at places with crowd, such as morning assembly and greeting students in the morning and dismissal time. For the rest of time during work, the staffs can decide whether to put on a mask or not depending on hygienic and educational needs.



Your Sincerely,

Fun Creative Kindergarten

Fun Creative Anglo-Chinese Nursery